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Indicators reference sheet


  • Indicator 1.1: Outcomes of PSS activities on children Coming soon...

  1. # and % of children participating in PSS activities who express feeling in security, being socializing and “enjoy”, by the end of the project.

  2. # and % of children participating in structured PSS activities who express improvement of their subjective well-being by the end of the project.


  • Indicator 1.2: The number  and proportion of births assisted by health workers during the project duration has been maintained at the same level than the pre-crisis in the project     Coming soon...


  • Indicator 2.1: Tdh contributing delegations  implement 70 % of key actions recommended by at least 5 child protection minimum standards in humanitarian crisis       Coming soon...


  • Indicator 3.1: In the humanitarian crisis countries where Tdh intervene, the nature and degree of participation by TDH in working groups / clusters related to the nature of its emergency intervention in the concerned counties Coming soon...


  • Indicator 3.2: At international level and in Switzerland, nature and degree of participation by Tdh in fora linked with humanitarian aid, and ad minima, to the ones that relates to child protection in emergency, water, sanitation and hygiene, health, shelters    Coming soon...


  • Indicator 3.3: Number of publications, participation to events about humanitarian aid and training courses delivered jointly with academic partners in the South and the North    Coming soon...


  • Indicator 3.4: % of the new emergency response interventions by Tdh are relayed in Swiss media and / or international, as a minimum once within the 7 days following the launch of the intervention     Coming soon...





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