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Indicators reference sheet


  • Indicator 1.1: Number of children in conflict with the law who benefited from non-custodial measures :  diversion / Medidas de Remisión  / Mesure alternative détention préventive


  • Indicator 1.2: Number of children in conflict with the law who benefited from non-custodial measures :  alternative to pre-trial detention / Alternativa a la detención preventiva/ Mesures de Déjudiciarisation


  • Indicator 1.3: Number of children in conflict with the law who benefited from non-custodial measures:  substitution to imprisonment. / Alternativa a la privación de libertad / Mesures Alternative emprisonnement


  • Indicator 1.4: Number and % of cases involving children in contact with the customary justice system, for which formal justice actors have been involved, annually and in intervention areas of the project « Shifting the paradigm of access to justice for children” / Coordinación formal - informal  / Coordination formel - informel


  • Indicator 1.5: Number and % of cases involving children in contact with the customary justice system, for which the child would have been invited to give a free narrative of the events, annually and in intervention areas of the project « Shifting the paradigm of access to justice for children” / Participación de NNA en justicia consuetudinaria / Participation Enfants Justice coutumière


  • Indicator 1.6: Level of satisfaction of parties engaged in quality restorative justice processes supported or accompanied by Tdh / Nivel de satisfacción de las partes en procesos restaurativos / Satisfaction des parties  processus JJR


  • Indicator 2.1: Number of norms, policies, and procedures that have been built up (enacted, modified or abrogated) [in line with JJR principles] with the direct technical support of Tdh and validated by the competent authorities. / Normativas, políticas y procedimientos / Normes, politiques et procédures


  • Indicator 2.2: Number of professionals trained or benefiting from awareness raising sessions every year by the juvenile justice programme / Profesionales capacitados  / Professionnels formés


  • Indicator 2.3: Existence of a multi-agency global campaign for juvenile justice. / Campaña multi-agencias / Campagne multi-agences


  • Indicator 2.4: Existence of children’s led advocacy initiative/s in juvenile justice. / Participación de NNA en incidencia / campagnes menées par les enfants


  • Indicator 2.5: Number of forums for interdisciplinary dialogue [about JJR] created at international, regional and national levels. / Fora interdisciplinarios a nivel regional, nacional, e interacional / Forums interdisciplinaires


  • Indicator 2.6: Existence and [level of] distribution of an international publication specialized in juvenile justice. / Publicación especializada en JJ / Publication spécialisée



  • Indicator 2.7: Existence of a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Juvenile Justice. / CAS en JJ



  • Indicator 2.8: Number of professionals trained by the CAS [annually] / Profesionales capacitados por el CAS


  • Indicator 3.1: Number of articles [about JJR] published in scientific and non-scientific journals [with the collaboration of Tdh] / Publicaciones sorbre JJR  / Publications JJR


  • Indicator 3.2: Number and quality of international or national awards where Tdh has participated and which were organized by Tdh. / Premios internacionales o nacionales




To be developped

Fiches  à développer

A desarrollar


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